I’m still fascinated by gulls, they are cheeky birds. They are of course the coastal version of pigeons who are thieving birds. They’ll do anything for to scavenge for food. The park is of course the perfect place to get a feed. Undoubtedly there is plenty of competition between the ducks and the gulls for whatever people visiting the may proffer.
I didn’t have anything to eat so they weren’t that interested in me. I was able to just sit quietly and take a few photographs.
I was hopeful for a few more action shots but when I reviewed the pictures I took there weren’t many that weren’t blurred or were just static. Mental note that more action shot practice required.
This close up of this big gull makes him look quite regal I think. The fact you can see other birds in the background accentuates his isolation and the fact he’s on higher ground.
I picked this gull out from the crowd on account of the slightly darker grey colouring. This is not a bird short of nourishment.
Here’s another strutting his stuff on the grass. I love the colour contrasts in this picture even if there isn’t much happening.
This bird was a squawker. Screeching away – pity you can’t hear it for yourself. If I’d got any closer I think I would have been showing his tonsils. That’s if birds have tonsils.
Now here’s some true gull action. The chaser means business, just look how aerodynamic he has made himself. He sort of looks like a jet fighter plan. The chased is not hanging around, he’s off with a flap of his wings. I wish I’d had the aperture setting at a higher setting (may be f/9 or 11) to bring the chased into clearer focus.
Here’s the big gull again. He’s still looking regal and imposing compared to the birds behind who are just pottering around doing their gull business.
When I only have a short time I don’t think too much about what pictures I take but rather snap away and see what results. Nothing wrong with that in principle but it’s not doing much to improve specific photography skills. I’m going to have to work harder at setting myself a photography assignment to practise each week. Then I might be more focused on improving my approach.
Any ideas what my first assignment should be?