Despite it’s reputation for the worst weather in New Zealand, windy Wellington has a distinctly colourful style. Whilst the wind may be blowing the colours are glowing on almost every street.
Does this look like something a town that takes itself too seriously would have?
I don’t think so. This colourful chap sits on a sign post at the bus station. Just a few steps from the Beehive and Parliament buildings. Do you think someone in the Council has a sense of humour?
Behind the Beehive there is something more colourful in design if not colourful in itself.
Shame about the building behind. It’s a perfect example of dreadful 1960s architecture. A blot on the landscape and a death trap when the big earthquake comes. I used to work in that building. Up 8 floors overlooking these sculptures. The building rolls when the earth quakes.
In case you’re wondering the “holes” in the windows is the building’s air conditioning. Small slitty windows that open inward and blow the rain in. Can you tell I’m not a great fan of this building!
Here’s a fan of the sculptures though. A perfect spot for the seagull to check out food in the car parks!
Now here’s something that’s definitely colourful.
I go in and out of this building on the Terrace all the time and never noticed this before. Just goes to show what you don’t see if you’re not looking!
Here’s a close up.
I’m quite inspired by the colours of Wellington so will keep you posted with regular photo studies as I hot foot around the city. There is no doubt that Wellington aims to make up in colour and art what we lack in temperature and blue skies.
It was 3 degrees first thing this morning at home. But, the mists were plentiful and the sun peaking through. I feel a nice autumn experience settling in for the day.