With two beautiful sunny days we set to again this weekend to see if we could reveal more of our land. The main challenge was to clear the area where the fencers are coming to build the chicken run but MT couldn’t help himself to test out his mower again.

The Bassets were not best pleased to be losing yet another basset alley – a long grass area where they can run and play without being seen (or so they think, their white tipped tails are a bit of a giveaway!).

Slowly but surely we’re starting to reveal more of the land but its a small dimple in the overall area. Still you’ve got to start somewhere and if we keep plugging away we’ll get there in the end.

The conclusion after two days of strimming and mowing is that those legs are going to hurt in the morning!

Crop circles do you think?

Chicken run alley

Site of future kitchen garden

blankThe sun dipping down behind the trees at the end of a long hot day
