The potager is looking a bit sorry for itself. It’s been battered by the northerlies and then battered again by the southerlies. I’m going to have to think again about how to give the right amount of support to my veges as they suffer the indignity of the Wellington winds.
I keep telling myself there is still a bit more summer to come but with rain and wind lashing us over the weekend it’s hard to keep up with the story when looking out the window tells you something else. The upside of course is that the grass is greening up and starting to grow again.
My broad beans are making a healthy looking start to their lives too. I only planted them a couple of weeks ago so it’s nice to see their juicy shoots popping through the ground.
The fennel is also doing really well. They outgrew their little protective cage so they are big enough to see, even if the dangers of being stood on haven’t gone away!
The lettuce are actually starting to look like they may come to something. Just enough sunny days to enjoy a luscious Caesar salad.
We still need more sun for my tomatoes to come right. There’s some remedial work to be done to their supporting structure after it got blown all over. Having tied all the plants up to maximise their view to the sun the wind promptly blew them over again.
We enjoyed a lovely fresh tomato sauce tonight made from the cherry tomatoes which are plentiful and very sweet. It feels so good to be eating what you’ve grown. So much better to be tipping the tomatoes out of a trug than a small plastic box!
But there is still a way to go with the full tomato harvest. We had a really sunny day today so I’m hopefully for a massive pasta sauce making session later in the week.
I could hardly believe my eyes today reading the Guardian. They are doing a recipe swop. Do you think they’ve been reading my blog?
All looking good 🙂