It’s been gloriously sunny this weekend.  No excuses for not getting on with our jobs.  I thought it was time I actually stopped procrastinating and got on with what needed to be done. Amazing what can be achieved when you stop procrastinating and just get on with it.

OK I admit it, I’ve been taking therapy from the not so intimidating Debbie’s blog on being organised and overcoming procrastination. Who cares, the important thing is that things get done and I can rest easy with the satisfaction of completed jobs.

First up, you’ll remember that back in June, yes that’s 3 months ago, I was busy with the winter gorse harvest. Don’t remember? Check it out here. Oh, and here too!  Hmm, seems this gorse harvest started back in May.  That makes it 4 months to completion.  Well it has been winter and not great burning possibilities.  To be honest though the clearing up is just not so much fun, I much prefer attacking and cutting back the darn gorse bushes in the first place.  Never mind, I’m pleased to report that this weekend I had two burning sessions and got rid of all the remaining gorse debris.

Tada! Left and right views.  Still plenty of gorse to clear but an improvement nevertheless

Tada, tada!  The planter is now filled and planted has started


We’ve yet to get a clematis and still pondering about other plants.  But we’re done for the moment.  Only another few tons of soil to use now!

Oh I do do feel satisfied – procrastination challenge for October complete!