It’s hard to recall when I fell out of love with Nigella the cook. I think it was something to do with her prepping her brined turkey wearing a negligee on her Christmas TV special. There is a fine line between food porn and just plain porn and I think she may have crossed the line at that moment. Luckily I have a new nigella to love and no less of a cook’s companion than the celebrity chef. Near drought conditions have made it hard for the garden this year but against all the odds the companion planting in the kitchen garden have soldiered on and brought not just a splash of colour but a wealth of insects like I’ve never seen before. These delicate flowers were an experiment this year but I can see that I might go overboard next year.
Nigella – the kitchen garden cooks companion

Those are gorgeous, what are they? I know what you mean re Nigella, at times I feel like she’s become a parody of herself. That said, although I initially dismissed Nigellissima, I have since grown to like (and use) it a lot. And How To Eat remains one of my favourite comfort reads.
What are you planting for the winter?
Hi Lucy – I can’t bring myself to look at Nigellissima but perhaps I should since you recommend it so highly. The garden will I hope be full of brassicas, spinach, kale and plenty of turnips, swedes and other roots although it’s been a terrible job getting them to germinate the root vegs with the dry weather. Garlic is always a massive crop grown over winter and I’m tempted to go mad this year and grow them instead of weeds which invariably fill the beds if there isn’t something else in the ground. The green house is always full of rocket and other salad leaves as well as herbs so we do well all year and I have two new beds this year to will be able to keep the neighbours supplied in lieu of the wood they provide for us. All works out very well.
Just been reading about Nigella in the Canvas magazine today. I too sway between loving and not liking but I do approve of her fondness for all of the good things in life – CAKE! The other nigella looks photogenic too – very pretty.
Hi Lesley, couldn’t agree more on the cake :o)