The bassets are only interested in play.  Mowers are noisy and move and they play havoc with their nerves.  They are also very wary of anything that takes away the long grass that they love to play in.

We on the other hand love things that are noisy and move, especially when they make life easier here at Domestic Executive HQ.  

Our new boys toy hasn’t let us down.  It’s allowed us to zip around the bottom of the garden and start to smarten things up and more importantly see the trees and plants that we’ve planted down there. It isn’t without it’s challenges though as this is no flat piece of land.

But MT had it sussed in no time.


And was up and running slicing through the grasses in a flash.


But I can’t stand around watching MT enjoy his new vehicle, there’s floors to mop and mulch to haul.  I’ll come back later and see the fruits of his labour.  Check in tomorrow to see progress.