We’ve eaten the first produce from the vegetable/salad bed this weekend.  I was able to use some of the fresh herbs which felt so good.

We had a slight hiccup though and it’s clear that for MT to be fully trusted with the harvest he needs more of a lesson in plant identification.  It seems that without a clear plastic box and a label on the front the herbs are a bit of a mystery to him.

Does this look like flat leaf parsley to you?

Of course it might.  But it is in fact Coriander and I didn’t want to add it to my creamy mushrooms on toast thank you very much!

I was a little more direct in the instructions to fetch the thyme for the gravy to go with the chicken!

Away from the herb corner the vegetables are starting to really get established.  We did have a disaster though when one of the broccoli heads blew away in a particularly strong gust of wind.  Still there is a few more left so hopefully they will last a bit longer!  You can see below where the gap has been left.

Never mind the gap.  The vegetables are doing themselves proud although I am an anxious gardener today as I saw a white butterfly hovering around the red cabbages.  I’ve forensically examined the leaves and can’t see any eggs.  I will however be closely watching those little blighters in case there are.  Oh boy what damage can be done by nature.


The tomatoes are going well though – and look there’s the flat leaf parsley!


I’m so inspired by my vegetable growing adventures so far.  I do however feel the need to drag out my library of gardening books to check out the bugs, slugs and other pest I may well encounter over the next few weeks.  Stay tuned for future updates!