In years gone by we’d take the last week in July off work to rest, relax and celebrate somewhere warm. For this is the week that we celebrate our wedding anniversary and his Lordship’s birthday (timed specifically that he would never forget!). Now we take the same week off but enjoy whatever winter throws at us and take enjoyment in annual garden chores. The big, heavy, hard graft sort of chores that are best done as a team with lots of time to rest.
This is year is no exception although I admit to dreaming of warmer islands in the Pacific I am looking forward to getting things outdoors ship shape in readiness for Spring which is only weeks away. With a new rose garden to care for, not to mention the kitchen garden there is plenty to be working on. To give us a kick start we got some help with the annual gorse harvest and this has spurred me on to crack on with things more than usual.
With more garden to contend with we had an even bigger pile of bark mulch delivered. 7 cubic metres worth of pile delivered from a local farm called the Bark Farm (don’t you just love the name). MT was first to celebrate the arrival of what will become our new best friend for much of this coming week.
With all the commotion of the delivery and the unusual sight of wellington boots there was some explaining to be done to the bassets.
Fortnum was not convinced that the spade was a serious proposition for digging – he finds paws much more useful. He was also unconvinced but the intention until he saw the spade in action. Stage one complete – rose garden mulched. Thickly. Enough to last another year.