The person who came up with the saying that “A problem shared is a problem halved” must have been completely deluded. I’ve been sharing my current problem of weed attack with Bob, my father-in-law, but it doesn’t seem to have halved the problem at all. It did however make the legs and back ache slightly less than it might otherwise have done.

Having got the flower beds weeded and mulched it was time to start on the soon to be herb and salad garden and the remaining land around the house. After about 4 hours of work between us we’ve cleared about 20 square metres. Not a bad effort but just think about how long this is going to take to tackle the other couple of acres of weeds.

Still, armed with my fork, trowel, weed hacker and my trusty garden cart I shall set forth day by day to try and clear the worst before the rains come and they multiply all over again. But hey, it’s all in a day’s work eh out in the country!

Site of the soon to be herb and salad garden

Just to prove that I’m not playing up the extent of the weed problem. My prize thistle and dandelion field.
Back by popular demand – this is what Fortnum and Mason do to contribute to the weed busting effort. Playing together in the sun (that’s after they’ve been shooed off the area being weeded where they like to lie right where you are working)


For more on my garden.