There was a parcel left on our veranda today from Al our beekeeper friend. Our first Treanor Honey!

It was amazing to see the first produce from our very own land. Admittedly we’re relied entirely on Al to do the hard work – oh and the bees of course!

After a moment of joy, sheer panic. What the heck do I do with it now, after all my honey usually arrives in a jar not a slab of honeycomb. After a few texts to our experts suggested just cutting it up into pieces and spreading on toast. Which is exactly what we did this morning.

Without wishing to make you too jealous, I have to say this honey was the best I’ve ever tasted. A deep rich taste, sweet but not too much. MT was very pleased and is planning to do an alternative morning tea at work – toast, butter and honey. Now that’s a conversation stopper at the water cooler if I ever heard one!

From this, you get……

Some of this……

blank All set for our honey feast
