I’m still loving my Christmas presents.  All of them but in particular my new camera.  Especially now I have the new zoom lens and can get close up and personal on lots of stuff.  My mother-in-law has gone camera shy and Fortnum is getting bored with it all.

Here his is in a protest lie – are you finished yet – it’s time for my walk now!

Everything I read about improving photography says practise, practise, practise.  So if I’m going to improve my photography that’s what I’ve got to do.  I decided to use today’s basset walk as practice time.  After all, the bassets have been dragging their heels on recent walks so I was sure I’d have plenty of time to snap a few shots whilst they catch up.

It’s amazing what you can see when you’re looking for things to photograph that you might otherwise just stroll past.  In fact, these are things I do stroll past normally as we took one of our regular basset walks in the Kaitoke forest which is 5 minutes (human walking) and 15 minutes (basset walking) from our front door.Here’s a few things I spotted and snapped along the way.

I was trying to capture the light amongst the trees here and the depth of the trees.  It isn’t quite as sparkly as I’d hope but I do like the way the foreground frames the trees.

Here’s some pampas grass for that 1970’s look.  Again, this picture hasn’t quite capture the light as brightly as I’d hoped but you can see the gentle breeze there was.


You get a bit better view of the sunlight in this one. But the foreground is a bit out of focus.


I love the textures in this picture – the bark of the tree, the pine cones and the way that the background is not distracting to the main focus of the picture.  It’s rather Christmasy too which is strange given it’s summer here!


And keeping with the cone theme, here’s some cones right up high on a tree.  Thank goodness for that zoom lens!


And finally on the cone theme, here’s cones on one of the trees that has died after been blown over in the big storms in July.


And here are my grumpy photographic assistants.  They were pleased when I finally stopped clickety clicking and we could run and play!


I’ve enjoyed capturing pictures for my blog but now come to realise that I’ve got lots of things to think about to bring the true artist in me out.  For the moment I’m going to concentrate on spotting things and the composition rather than the technical excellence of the pictures.  After all I’ve still not quite mastered all the knobs and buttons.

There’s plenty more pictures to share so hope you haven’t fallen asleep if you reached the bottom of this post.  Tell me what sort of pictures you’d like me to take.  Sock the critique to me.  Lots of feedback is what I need.  Don’t hold back, I can take it!