It seems that progress on our neighbours house has slowed right down.  There have been builders there since just after Christmas but somehow progress has seemed much slower.

That’s one of the mysteries of the building trade.  People on site but not much happening.  Or so it seems.

They have finished the brick work – I think.  It’s hard to know how high they are taking it up.  It also looks like the veranda structure has been put up.  This is a good sign as then the roofing might go on.

Promising signs on the roof of the paper lining being installed.


All in all it’s taking shape.  But its slow and you do wonder sometimes what these builders do all day.


I don’t think I’ve properly introduced you to our neighbours.  There are two girls living there at the moment and we looked after them when their parents went away at new year.  Girl dogs that is.  Lucky and Jesse who live up in their own dog houses close to the new build.

Here’s Lucky – she’s the eldest and a real sweetie.


She was real pleased to see me when it came to feeding time!


And here’s Jesse.  She’s only 2 and a real live wire.  She never sits still!


See how she fidgets. What a charmer!


Personally I find it hard that they are chained all day and live on their own but these are outdoor farming dogs not pampered pooches who have cushions to sleep on and have snacks at bedtime.  These are feed them once a day dogs who live outdoors unless it’s real cold when they get a special warm spot in their barn.

In case you are wondering they do get looked after normally by their owners who come up each day to feed, water and walk them.  They are all looking forward to the time when they can all  be living in the same place and enjoy a bit more freedom in their new place.