After another washout Sunday it was a delight to start the week with a sunny Monday.  Even if I know it’s going to be short lived I was determined to enjoy the day.  The bassets and I decided to visit the neighbours but they were busy with their snouts in the trough to talk to us.

I can’t blame them though.  Beats wading through the mud of their paddock, the result of the persistent rain we’ve been having.

Snout in trough

Having said that, our friendly She pig was happier to see us and trotted over to say hello.  This was the moment when Fortnum start to get into a state of high excitement.   And no, he wasn’t thinking bacon sandwich, merely another animal that squeaks like he does.

She pig

I however was doing my own squealing at this point.  I’d spied something much more adorable.

mini pigs

Now these porkers are new neighbours – they weren’t there when we passed last week.  Although it now accounts for why the She pig was lying in her shelter not interested in saying hello. These six munchkins were certainly interested in checking us out.

More mini pigs

This little piggie was staying close to mum though and giving a bit of love.

Hello mum

But it wasn’t long before they were off again.  Who could blame them.  By now Fortnum and Mason were almost beside themselves with excitement. And I had probably overwhelmed them with the continuous shooting with my camera.


It was hard not to follow this little piggie on the retreat.

Off now - back to mum

After all there is some snuggling to be done.


It was a total delight to watch these piglets.  It added an even brighter note to our sunny Spring day.  It did of course make it almost impossible to carry on our walk as Fortnum and Mason just wanted to sit and watch their new neighbours at play.

I can’t help but think that it would be nice to have some piggies of our own but not sure we’ll get set up for such an adventure this season.  Maybe next year.  For now we’re going to have to make do with watching this little ladies and lads growing up over the garden fence.