Wood For Trees 2014 01 12


Over the last few weeks I took an unofficial sabbatical from blogging.  It was so unofficial that I didn’t even tell myself.  Instead, somewhere deep in my subconscious I was looking for an answer to a question posed by a fellow blogger about who do you create for?

On the face of it this blog is full of stories about basset hounds, baking, gardening and taking photographs.  But really it’s been all about me trying to find my sense of creative purpose and fulfilment.  Something I’ve been struggling with for some time.

It was easier to take a blogging sabbatical and busy myself with the practicalities of life and my never ending list of chores than face the hard work it takes to master creativity.   In wrestling with the question of “who do I create for” I admit I’ve even contemplated making my unofficial sabbatical permanent.

But I’m back.  Blogging with a clearer mind and exciting plans for my camera, my kitchen, my garden and a deeper appreciation of how important it is for me to blog as a means to inspire my creativity not for the blog to be the end result.

I realise how self indulgent that might seem but I hope that you’ll stick around and be part of that inspiration.  If you’ve got a few minutes please let me know what reading blogs or writing blogs means to you.  I’d love to know.