I’m proud to say I’m readaholic although my book worm tendencies of late have been scuppered by other things to do. Once I get my head into a good book you can pretty much rule out getting anything else done. I’ve been intrigued by his Lordship’s new e-reader which seems to have revolutionised his daily habit and after much procrastination I took the plunge.
After a few weeks I can say that I’m seriously impressed. From a practical point of view I can have a range of reading options – novels, professional books and even some newspapers so I’m never short of reading matter and able to make the most of even the smallest amount of downtime. I’ve wrapped my kindle in a cover which has a built in light so when I wake up in the wee hours I can enjoy the time instead of tossing and turning and wishing I could get to sleep.
So far I’ve rattled through two excellent books – Room by Emma Donoghue and Before I Go To Sleep by S J Watson. I whole heartedly recommend both.
Room is written in the voice of a 5 year old boy who has lived his life in captivity with his mother. Whilst the circumstances of his captivity is horrific he lives a life full of energy, imagination and curiosity which you can’t help but be captivated by. It’s an uplifting read.
Before I go to sleep will have you hooked from the first page. It’s the story of Christine who has amnesia. Every time she wakes up she can’t remember what happened before. The book is her search to rebuilt her memories, and therefore her life, by keeping a journal and putting it back together piece by piece. I have to admit I was gripped hardly able to put it down. There are twists and turns in the plot which made my heart race.  I urge you to read the book before they bring this out as a movie in case they muck up what is one of the best thrillers I’ve ever read.
I read Room just recently – and I agree it was a good and uplifting read. I’m definitely on the look out now for your second recommendation – Before I Go to Sleep sounds like my kind of book.
Sue 🙂
Good luck with the search for Before I Go to Sleep. I’m sure you’ll enjoy.