New Zealand’s vast open countryside is on such a scale that public parks are a rarity. Â In London they are the green lungs of the city and provide a playground for the millions of people who live in the city. Â For all the years I worked and visited London there is one park that I’m not sure I ever visited for pleasure even though I’ve scuttled through it’s outer reaches as a route to somewhere else. Â It was quite a treat to have the time and familial company to wander around Regent’s Park basking in a glorious early autumn glow.
As we wandered along the smart walkways I was struck how we were following in the footsteps of countless Londoners over hundreds of years who have taken to promenading for pleasure in these Royal Parks. Â The place was buzzing with people having a great time. Â People meeting with friends, families out to play and individuals finding solace in a quiet spot amongst the beautifully manicured gardens. Although I’m sure there were plenty of out of towners in the park, I reckon the majority of people were locals out enjoying themselves on a balmy Sunday afternoon. I couldn’t help feel I was an observer of this recreational playground rather than a participant and whipped out my camera for a few moments exploration.
These three photographs summed up for me the Regent’s Park experience. Â These and a handful of photographs of my brother in law and nephews setting new standards in photographic gurning!
Picnicking friends
 Male Observation – what must they have been thinking?
The Abandoned Scooter – A child’s distraction
So beautiful. I love those parks. Four year’s too long since I was there. I’ll wait a couple more till Alice is four and then enjoy a good trip with all the family to soak up the richness of it all. Enjoy x Such a beautiful time of year to be visiting the UK x