It’s a common misconception that picking up a lead and shouting walkies will bring your dog to paroxysms of excitement. Â When the leads get picked up in our house the bassets high tail to the nearest soft place to lie flat and engage their gravity inducing...
Getting back into routine has been like waking from a deeply satisfying afternoon snooze. Feeling refreshed yet indulged in a healthy way. Â I’ve refused to allow myself to get into a frenzy about the prospects for the year ahead with a the rapidly filling... This week has felt like rusty gears grinding into action. Screeching alarm clock and only a cursory flick through the papers. Resentful hounds hauled from their post breakfast snooze for their constitutional walk. Switching the work ethic back on again dragging me...
This was me today.  Wet around the edges and slowly unfurling all the various strands of life as a Domestic Executive. The course materials for the Masters in Gastronomic Tourism, which officially starts next week, are thankfully online early so there is frantic...
Fortnum and Mason are without doubt brothers who are also best of friends. Siblings who look out for each other and despite the occasional dispute they always turn to each for comfort. Little Basset is the subservient of the two though doesn’t hesitate to keep...