I can’t help but keep looking at the photographs of the snow to remind myself that we were indeed bathed in white stuff. It was a moment of excitement that’s now replaced with an feeling of being overwhelmed by runaway grass and bolting weeds as the sun...
Cameras are a bit of a bone of contention in our household since I became more seriously interested in photography. Nevertheless I needed models for one of my assignments on Environmental Portraits with a deadline looming. I visualised a portrait of “Man and...
As if the nerves weren’t bad enough I found myself in a photography studio yesterday flying solo with equipment I couldn’t get to work. My tutor was unable to drop everything and run to help me so my bulging file of ideas went completely out of the...
My photographic nerves have been a jangle all week. Today is assignment day – flying solo in the photographic studio. Having press ganged a couple of friends into being my models it’s time to do or die. I don’t know who is more nervous –...
Just as the flash of the studio lights went off taking this photograph I had a huge ah-ha moment in my head. Yes, this Saturday I came another step closer to understanding why I’ve struggled so much with my photography class this year. Although I was the...