Yup, it’s been raining again. A full blown windy and wet Wellington storm blew in today and here’s the proof! We had 66.5mm today and most of it arriving at a horizontal angle. If you’re really keen you can keep tabs on our weather here.... It’s been wild Spring weather this week – lots of rain and lots of wind. Destructive wind that has rendered my washing line inoperable. It was a soul destroying moment to see it collapsed in a heap with my washing trailing on the floor. Not to... I’ve been putting it off and off but it can wait no more. The thistles are growing at a rapid rate and starting to overtake some of the smaller trees in height. It was time to thistle harvest again. We did this first in May to clear the dead thistles off the... It’s been gloriously sunny this weekend. No excuses for not getting on with our jobs. I thought it was time I actually stopped procrastinating and got on with what needed to be done. Amazing what can be achieved when you stop procrastinating and just get on... It was December last year when our first liquid lawn was laid. We promptly fell into a drought and despite watering gallons of water on the lawn it was a bit of a failure. After much gnashing and wailing (well, actually a bit of a chat) with the landscapers it was...