The problem with having acres of thistles to clear is not the physical effort it takes, although that is in itself a challenge, no it’s getting rid of the thistles when they are out of the ground. Like the gorse I’ve been stockpiling it to dry and then... We’ve been making the most of the sunshine. The weather forecast looks like pants so thought I’d throw caution to the wind and concentrate on those outdoor chores and worry about mopping floors and work that needs to be done when the rain starts. No... It’s been a blessed relief to have my our new tractor and trailer. I’ve been able to mulch the front beds using the left over mulch at the back with a lot less effort than using the wheelbarrow method. Also, it is a bit more fun to drive around that... The bassets are only interested in play. Mowers are noisy and move and they play havoc with their nerves. They are also very wary of anything that takes away the long grass that they love to play in. We on the other hand love things that are noisy and move,... This all might sound a bit strange after yesterday’s post about the erratic growth in our lawn but we’ve welcome relief on hand with the ultimate in boys gardening toys. It’s taken a great deal of research, consideration of specifications,...