It may be call the love apple (Pomme D’Amour) but for now I have a love-hate thing going on with my tomatoes. I am overcome with delight that after years of struggling to grow tomatoes outdoors my poly greenhouse has been the perfect haven for growing them but...
As health kicks go, here’s one I’m really enjoying. Â Eating cakes that are not so naughty but terribly nice to eat. Â I’ve started to bake my way through Harry Eastwood’s Red Velvet Chocolate Heartache Cookbook which was in my Christmas...
The new rhythms of bread making have hit home and I haven’t bought bread since the beginning of the year. Â I’ve added flat breads to my repertoire and when I can master soft rolls, bagels and english muffins we’ll be about as self sufficient in...
30 days into the new year I slipped on my harness and crawled back to work. If it wasn’t for the boundless energy and enthusiasm of the people I was working with it would have been a grim day. Â Aside from the burning desire to find a quiet corner and take a nap...
This year I’ve decided to hone my culinary skills and will be tackling one foodstuff a month. Â I’ve started the year with one of my favourite foods, I’ve been on a bread making mission. Â I’m already a dab hand making soda bread and beer bread...