Lately my mind has been working at dial-up speeds. Â The result of too many large scale changes happening at once. Â I’ve hardly started the transition to new ways and all the time I feel exhausted by the challenges ahead. Our trusty computer that has been...
It’s hard enough to get a bombshell dropped on the health of your nearest and dearest but a double whammy to know that the finger of blame is pointing at you. Pies, pastries, cakes and other cream laden goodies are the devil’s food and no doubt a weekend...
Friday night on most Kiwi high streets is the busiest of the week on account of the hordes of people picking up their favourite take-away food. It has long been traditionally the one day in the week  when I threw in the proverbial tea towel and treat myself to the...
For all the planning and good intentions the last week has been wiped out in a fog of sniffles, splutters and full body aches. And to add insult to injury the glorious weather we’ve been basking in for weeks caved in to bring the traditional chilly windy... Somewhere amongst making Afternoon Tea, bread making, baking croissants and making cheese earlier this year I started to realise that I really like food. Â No really – making food, reading about food, talking about food and yes, of course, eating it too. Â I...