When it comes to gardening I fall into the hopelessly romantic camp. Â Even crawling along hand-weeding and hating the drudgery of it all, it isn’t long before I fall into day dreaming about the beauty of large walled kitchen gardens with fruit, vegetables,...
I have never been so wracked with self doubt and fear in the kitchen as I have in the last three months.  For  while there wasn’t much I cooked or baked that was worthy of putting on the table let alone featuring here on the blog.  Being consciously... Being jet lagged and off eating sugar and wheat are hardly the perfect ingredients for being a delegate at a food bloggers conference but I didn’t let that hold me back.  Less than a week arriving home from our UK trip I found myself at the new Le Cordon Bleu...
The first time I heard his characteristically French “oo la la” I was almost suffocating under a mound of coats piled into my arms by VIPs at corporate function. Â By the time I had dumped the offending garments into the arms of one of my staff and...
Life has a new zip and zing. Not sure if it’s the new eating regime or mounting excitement for our big trip north. Either way I’m celebrating and determined not to be disappointed if Air New Zealand laugh at my miniscule bid to upgrade under their...