My world of baking insecurity started over ten years ago when I tried and failed several times to bake the River Cafe Chocolate Nemesis and joined the legions of people defeated by what was reputed as one of the trickiest bakes for home cooks.  As I now think of how...
Taking wheat flour and sugar out of a baking recipe is like breaking the spell so the magic disappears. Excluding other high carbohydrate starches makes baking a dark art practised only by those with supernatural powers. Â It was once said that I looked like Harry...
I never intended to step away from blogging for so long. Before I knew it, a few days of ambivalence stretched to weeks and then a month. The exciting prospect of talking about my daily exploits was gone and with it my inclination to take photographs and the stories...
There is nothing that makes you more concerned about the food you eat finding ways to address a specific health condition.  Our battle to reduce MT’s  high cholesterol has forced us to research the science behind foods and it’s been an enlightening...
There is something rather elicit about a long weekend created by a public holiday. Â It feels so much more of a gift of an extra day off work than those long weekends created from your holiday entitlement. Not that I get paid holidays of course, self employment...