Rubbish weather and a glut of carrots was the perfect excuse to bake yesterday. I’d downloaded Dan Lepard’s recipe for Spelt and Carrot Cupcakes on the basis that whole meal and carrot will result in healthy cake. Yeah right! In readiness for baking I...
It’s not just the Irish roots in our household that make potatoes a staple food for us. Since I invested in a potato ricer it’s elevated the humble potato to an every day luxury food. I finally dug up the remaining main crop potatoes before the rain...
Allegedly when you get older you need less sleep. As if to prove the point my beloved Big Basset tested that principle by waking me up at the crack of dawn to wish me happy birthday. Darn dog. It’s not like he didn’t curl up nose to tail and go back...
It’s been a struggle but I’ve managed to bag a couple of kilos of tomatoes this year from the kitchen garden. It was quite a buzz to roast them off with my own grown garlic and herbs. I didn’t have the energy to sieve them to make a smooth...
It took a dose of something nasty to get me back into the kitchen on Sunday. Although I wasn’t up to lugging lawnmowers and wheelbarrows around I was able to press the button on the food processor. It was a real pleasure to get back baking and hopefully I...