There was a moment in the first episode of the 2011 Great British Bake Off we watched on BBC iPlayer at the weekend when one of the contestant’s magnificent layer cakes slipped off the work top and landed in an undignified heap on the floor. All the words of...
I know I shouldn’t get sentimental about my chickens but it would be completely heartless, or even cruel, to insist that mad George our rooster be confined to his barracks right now. He has a south facing view from his perch which means a full frontal attack...
I was itching to bake today but with a delicious apple fruit cake in the cupboard it would have been too gluttonous to have made yet another cake. So instead I decided to indulge my bassets with some baking of their own. Inspired by long time reader and basset...
There is nothing like a pan of spicy chutney bubbling away in the kitchen to warm you up on a cold evening. Since we’ve just finished up the last jar of our seasonal chutney made almost a year ago it was time to branch out again with our preserving adventures. ...
I inherited my mother’s Kenwood Chef and even after what must be 30 years it is still going strong. I was therefore a disappointment to the lovely people on the Kenwood stand at the New Zealand Food Show. It didn’t stop me salivating over the latest...