It’s not like I didn’t spend hours training our basset hounds in basic dog etiquette. You know the usual commands of “sit, lie, come, stay, off, no, leave.” Trouble is that the trainer recommended food as the training incentive which in... Like Wednesday’s, the winter solstice is that hump day that makes the winter bearable.  It’s the metaphorical permission you need to embrace winter because you know that summer is on its way once again.  As if to celebrate midwinter, nature threw New... In my experience planning home projects in New Zealand requires the patience of a saint and the foresight of a fashion designer.  You need to be looking ahead to the next season far in advance.  So whilst the sun was high in the sky I was plotting all those... Although I’m no fashionista it’s been a tough week dressing for weather.  With four seasons on show this week I’ve been underdressed on some days and overdressed on others.  From opening the curtains to a snowstorm to basking in summery... Having a canine guest always opens my eyes to animal behaviour I’m unfamiliar with.  That eager to please, what can I do to make you happy attitude missing from life with basset hounds.  Spend a few days with a Labrador and you get to know the true meaning of...