Love is

Love is

Seeing two people celebrate their love and commitment for one another is one of life’s finest experiences.  It was my privilege to witness one of the most moving wedding ceremonies of two of the nicest people whose personal experience of New Zealand played a...
Orchard Bounty

Orchard Bounty

For all the idiosyncrasy of the English summer this year (not much of a summer) the British orchards seem to be weighted down with their seasonal bounty.  Whether it’s the orchards of Herefordshire or the country lanes of the Midlands I’ve noticed vast...
English Landscape

English Landscape

It was only when I saw the patchwork of green fields through the plane window that the reality of this trip to the homeland hit me.  There is nothing quite like an English Landscape to warm your soul.  Whilst New Zealand is made of rugged wilderness here in England...
Colour Ways

Colour Ways

I’ve feasted on a visual cacophony whilst here in the UK. The riot of autumnal colours has been most prominent which compared to the consistently green backdrop of New Zealand. Having driven up one side of the country and then down the other I’ve admired...
Seasonal starts

Seasonal starts

My blogging intentions seem to have been blown out of the water whilst I’ve been away in the UK.  Time with family and friends has been precious so waking hours have been spent in their company rather than tethered to my laptop. Needless to say I’m...