Way back in July I buried my head in a sand of despair of photography and it’s taken me months to pull it  out. I learned through this whole self indulgent episode that I was bitten by the photography bug because it pleased me and was not about pleasing others.... I can’t resist photographing bassets on the run. You never quite tell how their wrinkles are going to take a handsome basset into a contorted monster look. Fortnum likes nothing better than running full pelt down hill – see how aerodynamic he can be.... Every time I look at this photograph I roll my eyes and tut to myself.  If only I’d been a little quicker, more focused, yes if only……. It’s the perfectionist in me.  It was frustration with not getting it “right” in my photography course... I’m back after an unplanned blog vacation. Suffice to say it’s been a funny week or so. No doubt that the Christchurch Earthquake Anniversary last week played on my mind a lot.  Today my best friend left New Zealand for an adventure volunteering overseas... The popular opinion in New Zealand is that this summer has been a washout.  Since New Year we’ve been blighted by bouts of furious wind and driving rain making it the worst summer weather since we arrived in New Zealand six years ago. The only upside I can see...