If you’ve ever had a monster under the bed or wallpaper that came to life (The Diddy Men in a jam butty mine, if you’re interested) Halloween is not something you ponder on for long let alone celebrate. Â All those witches, ghoulish pumpkins and zombies at...
There is nothing that makes you more concerned about the food you eat finding ways to address a specific health condition.  Our battle to reduce MT’s  high cholesterol has forced us to research the science behind foods and it’s been an enlightening...
There is something rather elicit about a long weekend created by a public holiday. Â It feels so much more of a gift of an extra day off work than those long weekends created from your holiday entitlement. Not that I get paid holidays of course, self employment...
I’ve been having the longest bout of creative constipation in a while.  Not inspired to write nor take photographs.  This can be a problem if you’re a blogger.  Or sheer relief to some depending on your point of view. If the past is anything to go by...
Little did I know when I read this article last Friday evening that I would soon face the question of what I would do to save my dog. Within 24 hours it was no contest, I would have done whatever it took to make things better for Fortnum who was poorly like I had...