Tinsel and santas in the shops may have started to tarnish but nature is still pulling out all the stops to keep the spirit of Christmas alive.  A cousin of the coastal Pohutukawa, the Northern Rata tree dots in our valley around this time of year bringing a touch...
Passing through the longest day is always a bitter-sweet moment for me. A day to marvel at nature’s finest but knowing that we stand at the pinnacle of the year’s light and it’s all downhill from here. At least until the shortest day and we start...
For all the discombobulation of Christmas in the southern hemisphere, having a spot of good weather does seem to boost festivities. After much procrastination on the part of weather forecasters, they did in the end promise a sunny day for the Wellington region which...
I never intended to step away from blogging for so long. Before I knew it, a few days of ambivalence stretched to weeks and then a month. The exciting prospect of talking about my daily exploits was gone and with it my inclination to take photographs and the stories...
Life is rattling by and I’ve not yet found the right laxative for my creative constipation hence the lack of blogging in the last couple of weeks. Instead I’ve been busying myself with other things – good and wholesome things – but...