There is something breathtaking about winter sunshine. It lifts the spirit in ways that summer sun can’t. Breathes warmth into the chill and reminds you that beyond the dark and gloom of deep winter there are better things still to come. This week...
It’s not as if we need any more cute basset photographs on this blog but sometimes blog posts aren’t planned or in my case are not really planned at all. So here’s a spontaneous post of basset hugging in honour of all those precious pets in the...
It’s been snow, snow, snow here this week on the blog. It’s been a few days in the making but time for an overdose of basset hounds at play.  If you’re not fans of basset hounds you might want to look away now. But if like me you don’t mind...
More than once this week I’ve found myself being grumpy OK, let’s be honest here, it’s been more of a case of Grumpy old Woman rather than day-to-day tired and grumpy state. Again and again I found myself being irritated by things that just...
Nothing like an early morning chilly tickle on a basset’s undercarriage to wake them up. Mason bounced around in the frosty grass like he’s never seen the white stuff before. I wondered how he might behave if we ever had a full-blown snow storm. It...