How to overcome chicken capers

The other inhabitants of Domestic Executive HQ have had their ups and downs whilst I’ve been away.  My lovely ladies and the manic rooster George  were up to their usual tricks but little did they know that their minders would be much less tolerant of their...

What happens when you leave your vegetable patch home alone

It was with some trepidation that I ventured out to look at the potager when I got home.  What might have happened in it over the five weeks it has been left home alone?  With no-one tending to its every need I was hoping for the best and expecting the worst. There...

What happens when inspirations start to take root

My obsession with kitchen gardens is starting to reach unhealthy proportions.  I insisted in inspecting every part of the Chatsworth Kitchen Garden and I was not disappointed with what I found.  Once again it provided an inspiration to what may be possible for our...

Fruits from hard labour

Fruit growing was the third perspective of the Ryton Organic Garden that I’m fascinated with.  Seeing how they do things has made me realise how long the journey is to a decent fruit harvest.  We’re going to have to be real patient if we’re to...

A way to boost the growing bug

Imagine my delight when my in-laws said we were going garden visiting.  But this was a garden like none other I’ve visited.  This was a garden right up my street.  The perfect place to visit to inspire me for what is to come when we eventually return home to...