One of the great luxuries of having a kitchen garden is being able to be generous with the herbs you use in cooking. Â My herb garden is just a few steps away from the back door which is just as well as his lordship is always requesting herbs for his culinary...
As if the trumpeting of Spring’s official arrival today (1 September) wasn’t enough the garden is making its own declaration of intent. These Asparagus spears are from plants I grew from seed three years ago. This year we should be able to harvest for...
It’s been slim pickings for the birds since the snow arrived. These Plovers were distinctly put out to be wading through inches of snow to find something to eat. The little birds of course were turning loop the loops as they feasted on the chicken food and...
Today was like waking up on a Christmas Day and hoping for a snowy festive scene. I was so excited to pull back the curtains to see if the snow dump forecast had given us a southern hemisphere winter wonderland. Imagine my delight the snow had indeed arrived. Even...
Lulled into a false sense of unseasonably warm temperatures it was a shock to the system for winter to bite back this week. The thermals have been dusted off, gloves dug out from the back of the cupboard and just to be sure I’ve had the possum fur ear flaps...