Bassets are pack animals and their life revolves around the dynamics within the pack. Who is top dog, where the other pack members are and what it takes to get the attention of the pack leader.  There is one thing a basset like less than a bath is when there are changes in the pack. Having my in-laws come to stay has made our pack bigger and a little more complicated and I’ve only come to realise the full impacts in the last few days.
Our boys are generally more clingy with each other and reluctant to be separated at all. They are ever more watchful of my every move and start howling at the drop of a hat if either of them is left on their own for a few minutes. The small telling off can lead to a long basset sulk or seeking attention from someone else in the pack who might back up their cause.
But always eager to please a basset and the most loyal of companions it isn’t long before they are back as my side following my ever move. Even if that means walking up and down the garden as I potter on. Being a basset takes a lot of effort and on a busy day can be exhausting work.