Having a tin roof on your house is a serious disadvantage when you live nestled in a valley and a rain cloud seems to have lodged itself bringing a constant downpour. Together with a rain collection down pipe just outside your bedroom window it makes for entertaining insomnia. Add a meteorological cherry on top of gale force winds with a southerly ice and you can feel truly blessed.
Yes folks winter is her. Complete with it’s chilly, watery and windy cousin.
The bassets have been reluctant to venture off the veranda preferring instead to lie toasting their bellies in front of the fire. Who can blame them not wanting to wade down the garden with me herding chickens out of trees after their house door blew shut. But follow they must as it’s the perfect way to bathe their muddy paws and undercarriages after they’ve been frolicking in mud. Cruel but so efficient.
It hasn’t been the weather for being outdoors let alone dragging my camera out when we have been. Even my iPhone camera has seen little use. I just can’t seem the point in the gloomy light. Instead I’m enjoying the photographs that I’ve posted on my Fridge and office Gallery. It’s been a new experience living with the photographs rather than them being tucked away on my computer hard drive.
Mason takes centre stage on this month’s Fortnum and Mason calendar. I’ve updated the basset gallery if you like a spot of basset blogging. Enjoy!
Not quite as chilly up this way….for me it is the short days I loathe….these few dark weeks just make me want to hibernate with comfort food & a good bottle of red!
gearing up for summer here, lots of rain, which makes for steamy days in this heat!! give the lads a little snuggle from me