I’ve always felt very lucky in life. No doubt there have been some bad things that have happened to me but I feel otherwise very fortunate, pretty lucky. I heard a podcast the other day that defined luck as “what happens when preparation meets opportunity” and thought that some of what happens in my life can be rationalised in this way.
There are other things though that are really just happen chance. Like winning the lotto – 4 numbers and a bonus ball last week. I was rather too excited about the potential $ windfall but nevertheless it was a welcome payback for all the “not a lucky tickets” I’ve had. Or getting tickets for the Olympics – still waiting to find out how lucky or not we’ve been.
As luck would have it the greenhouse was ready just in time to put my lemon and lime trees out of the cold. The first frosts arrived today and boy was it chilly. These little lemon beauties are almost ready for picking. I really can’t decide whether to make hot lemonade with honey and ginger or throw caution to the wind and preserve them instead. What do you think?
With a little bit of breathing space in the working week this week I decided to increase my chances of keeping myself on track with what seems like an increasingly complex and hard to juggle to do list and myriad of notebooks. I’ve thrown my hat into trialling Evernote and so far I’m liking it. Mainly because I can organise all my information in a more orderly fashion regardless of it’s source. Chuck it all into Evernote and breath a sigh of relief that all those links, emails and tit bits of information that I would otherwise forget are safe in the cloud. Now all I need to do is write myself a note to remember to check my notes!
Lemons! Love this seasons when fresh lemons are available 🙂