Training as a coach has been a life changing experience as I now see and hear things I’m not sure I did before. I constantly think…..
If I only knew years ago what I know now how much pain and worry I might have saved myself.
As a Domestic Executive I’ve created a business that is solely focused on allowing me to live the the lifestyle that I want to lead.
I work as an independent leadership developer and business activation coach. I’m on a mission to make work better for people. I’m all about helping people do their best work and create work that they love.
Balancing work and life is a struggle for many people and until I win the lotto it’s the same for me. With perfectionist tendencies I find it hard to let go, always wanting to push for the extra mile to make the bigger difference. This invariably brings conflict with ambitions to live a calm and fulfilling home life but I’m learning the hard way what it takes to achieve that illusive work:life balance.
Because I don’t have enough to worry about, I started Food Gatherings in 2014 to bring people together to meet, eat and be inspired.