Inpromtu basset portraits

Fortnum and Mason are less than ideal candidates for my photography improvements.  They jiggle and fiddle too much to allow me to concentrate on twiddling dials and pressing buttons that I don’t know yet how to fully operate.  Still, they’re all...

To infinity and beyond (the hard way)

I never tire of the view down the valley to tunnel gully.  In truth I spend quite a lot of time looking at this.  Either through the kitchen window.  Or the bedroom window.  Or best of all on a balmy summer evening from the veranda with a glass of New Zealand...

The best of summer night skies

I was doing the washing up last night and looked up and this is what I saw.  The colours were as vivid as this picture – and no photoshop required.  No indeedee when you have a new super duper camera you can go au naturale. There have been some fantastic...

Perils of weeding

See this, it was almost weeded out today.  It might look a bit like a weed but it is in fact a lone fennel seedling spring from the ground.  This is one of the seeds I planted – out of a packet there are only about 5 little seedlings like this. Boy the perils...

An apple a day…….

It’s all go in our fledgling orchard.  The trees are growing having blossomed and are now enjoying a spot of sun.  I was pretty flabbergasted to notice today that one of our trees has actually born fruit.  Yes, that’s what suposed to happen in an...