We’re done and it’s never to be repeated!

You know that feeling when you’ve completed a job.  A hard job.  A job that’s been a long and hard slog.  Something that’s used up lots of energy, brainpower and resources.  A job that you’d wished you never started but carried on till the...

Hedgerow festivities

In the UK our last house had a name.  It was called Holly House on account of the enormous holly trees in the garden.  It was wonderful at this time of year lots of red juicy berries giving the place a real festive feel. Holly is not something that you see a great...

Clean bill of health for bassets

A year ago I took my bundles of fluff to see the vet and get their shots.  One year on it was time for their health check and booster shots.  Taking the bassets to the vet is always fun.  There are so many things in their reception area to smell that it almost...

You can’t hurry an artist at work!

I’m still loving my Christmas presents.  All of them but in particular my new camera.  Especially now I have the new zoom lens and can get close up and personal on lots of stuff.  My mother-in-law has gone camera shy and Fortnum is getting bored with it all....

The neighbours are still building

It seems that progress on our neighbours house has slowed right down.  There have been builders there since just after Christmas but somehow progress has seemed much slower. That’s one of the mysteries of the building trade.  People on site but not much...