All around the local countryside there are pink ribbons hanging on trees. This is not a symbolic gesture of support to fight breast cancer but a more practical and visible indicator of local pest control. In the main it’s to show where the local environment protection officers have been laying bait and traps to keep possums under control. Possums are the number one pest in New Zealand and they can devastate local habitats of native plants in a short space of time.
I really don’t agree with the poisoning but without any natural predators there are few options – at least that’s what the Department of Conservation and Regional Council People told me when the paid a visit to our house a couple of weeks ago.
Our land borders Regional Forestry land and they were concerned about what we were doing personally to keep the possums under control. It was a bit of a surprise to be asked this but it’s a sensible thought I guess when you you have native bush like we do. I’ve never seen any possums on our land but that isn’t to say they aren’t there. The environmental protection officer explained to me that it’s important to keep on top of the local possum population and offered to include our small bush area (about 3 acres) within their workload.
I don’t think that this was them being just neighbourly. There is little point them keeping them under control if we are then providing a perfect breeding and living spot for them. Reluctantly I agreed as long as the traps and baits weren’t at ground level.  Since then this appeared on our gate and it’s made me feel terrible.
I am now officially a murderer and I don’t feel great about it. I am now wondering whether I should just have tried to find a possum hunter. We met one a couple of years ago whilst we were over walking in the Malborough Sounds. I’m going to ring the Council and find out what they’ve actually done on our land to see whether there is any other alternatives.
I realise that this is not like keeping slugs and snails at bay. Possums are really a major problem to New Zealand countryside. Poison just doesn’t seem like a humane way to keep the numbers down and unlike our possum hunter nothing is done about using their fur. My internet research hasn’t given me much hope for an alternative as all the conservation bodies are using drastic measures to keep them under control.
Here are some of the links I found.
Eeek! That’s a tough one! I would feel equally as akward as you – what a predicament. I’d want to take action on my land, for sure, but it’s hard to find a method that feels comfortable. Is the poison a concern with the bassets? I wonder what other people in the neighbourhood do – might it be worth posting up a notice in your nearest dairy or store requesting the help of a possum hunter?!
I can’t believe that poison is the best way. I would have a lot of questions to ask the authorities. How do they prevent other species eating the bait? How do they insure that scavenger species don’t eat the dead possums ? How do they ensure that the bait or dead possums don’t pollute the water ways ? How long does the bait remain poiosnous ? If it was me I’d be tempted to purchase live traps and find some one to dispatch the caught possums.
Oh wow – what an awful predicament. I too would not be best pleased to be having this stuff around – but what an awful position they put you in in the first place.
Its not something ive really ever thought about other than I cant beleive that Poison is the only way to deal with this issue. Purely becuase it doesnt just kill possums 🙁
We dont get problems with them round here – so I guess people must be out hunting them. Ill ask teh afrmers if they know of anything you can do as an alternative. How long does the poison last for? That would at least give you some time to look for alternatives before they have to re set the bait.
I think it’s absolutely terrible to poison them if you know nothing about opossum they eat mosquitoes and ticks they don’t carry rabies or other disease they are a bit of a pest at times but killing them seriously is horrible and should be stopped. There are .any ways to get them off your property you can live trap and relocate. STOP KILLING THEM.