I think my photography mojo was left in the overhead locker in an Air New Zealand plane. Although I’ve snapped away since being back from our big trip my hearts just not been fully in it. I’m forcing myself to go out every day and fine things to practise on but with the rotten weather, too much work and a missing mojo it’s been a poor effort really.
I’m reading photography blogs and looking for inspiration. But it’s not sparked my interest. Just when I was getting pretty down about losing the sparkle through my lens, it came back when I was least expecting it the other day and like a good photographer I had my Nikon slung over my shoulder. Looking at this picture you might think it was my trusty bassets that ignited my photography interest again. But no, it was much simpler than that,
The sun came out. Literally.
After a miserable cloudy day, all of a sudden the clouds parted and the sun started to shine.
Not knowing when the clouds might close over again I grabbed a few shots of Fortnum and Mason who were hanging around in their usual basset like way.
For little basset this is a classic pose. He has that dreamy far away look but inside that mind there is mischief going on.
Here big basset is on guard. Watching and waiting for a new sniff to come along.
But no sooner had I snapped these couple of shots that the clouds came over and the moment passed. Since I had the camera in my hand I thought I might play around a little nevertheless.  This is what happens when your camera is on automatic. Little basset in the background is out of focus.
Nope, I wanted him to be clearly in the shot. That’s more like it – thank heavens for manual settings on my camera.
It was just at that moment that Mason realised what was going on. That long black thing was pointing at him. Time to investigate.
Darn it Mason, why can’t you just sit still. Look at Fortnum, still on guard watching out for a new sniff. No little basset needs to be seen and get some attention.
With all this movement going on all I could do was let the camera shoot in the hope that I’d get a couple of decent shots. Those ears are simply to big and move too much!
Oh how I wish my bassets would be a little kinder to me and keep their wobbly bits in check.
I can live in hope!
It’s like stating the obvious so say that it’s the light that matters most in photography. When the sun is shining I can see many more possibilities and will happily snap away. I’ve also come to realise that it’s time for me to start stretching myself a bit more. Looking for new photography opportunities that will bring alive my photography mojo again.
Not sure how that will happen yet but recognising that’s what is needed is at least the first step and my motto at the moment is one step at a time!
Is that green stuff a lawn growing?