Today’s been an exciting occasion. I had my first blog date. A date where you finally get to meet the person who you’ve been a blogging friend with for a while. In my case of course it wasn’t just me but me and the boys.
There’s a lot written about Internet dating – the etiquette of first meeting, safety tips etc. In the case of blog dating I’m not so sure. Anyway, I threw caution to the wind and was absolutely delighted to meet the Dawes family. They are as wonderful in real life as they are on their blog.
This is Marrisa, Bethany and Denver. As luck would have it they live about 20 minutes drive away in Silverstream and it was truly fantastic to meet them after following their lives here in New Zealand for ages. So what does one do on a blog date you might ask?
Well, you first have to get the doggie introductions out of the way. Then it’s time for tea and muffins before heading out to share a walk down the lane. Pretty routine stuff for Domestic Executive HQ (although the muffins are a special treat). After the initial moments of doggie introduction Marrisa and I chatted about blogging, dogs, life in New Zealand.
I was so proud of Fortnum and Mason who were pretty well behaved. Especially Mason who fell in love with Bethany and was happy to walk with her beautifully. Fortnum was a little more interested in Denver and despite not really being quite sure to start by the end of the walk they were really quite good friends.
Here’s some pictures to share of my first blog date.
I really enjoyed their visit. Denver is a real character and whilst is a training challenge for Marrisa I’m sure he’s going to turn out to be a lovely dog when he grows up.
Bethany is a total love. A real princess. So polite, chatty and friendly. A total charmer if there ever was.
Isn’t the Internet a wonderful thing. I feel Marrisa and I are blog soul mates so it was such a thrill to finally meet. She and Michael followed their instincts to get a better life for themselves and Bethany. Through their blog their opened up their lives and in the process have helped so many people coming, or thinking about, coming to live in New Zealand. Her blog spirit shines through in real life. An inspiring person to finally meet and someone I now feel I can really call my friend.
Awww Julie that is just so so sweet. I have tears in my eyes!
You are an amazing lady, I was in total awe of everything we did today and it was so wonderful to feel like I have known you forever, we have a long blogging journey ahead and I can’t wait to share every moment with you!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for welcoming us, for being so kind, so inspirational and for being my friend, long live our blogging dates!!
That’s beautiful! How gorgeous! This blogging world is strange indeed and a whole lot of fun too! Glad the dogs got on well and you all enjoyed some muffins! Looks like the weather was magic too. Look forward to more ‘blog date’ posts in the future! Sarah x
Hi Julie
I’m one of Marrisa’s virtual buddies!!! – just wanted to say how wonderful it is that people can be brought together by the power of the blog! – it’s great to see that you guys have met through both sharing your NZ journey – we are soon to make ours too and hope that our blog can be as inspiring as yours – best wishes – Rx